Package: installr 0.23.4

installr: Using R to Install Stuff on Windows OS (Such As: R, 'Rtools', 'RStudio', 'Git', and More!)

R is great for installing software. Through the 'installr' package you can automate the updating of R (on Windows, using updateR()) and install new software. Software installation is initiated through a GUI (just run installr()), or through functions such as: install.Rtools(), install.pandoc(), install.git(), and many more. The updateR() command performs the following: finding the latest R version, downloading it, running the installer, deleting the installation file, copy and updating old packages to the new R installation.

Authors:Tal Galili [aut, cre, cph], Barry Rowlingson [ctb], Boris Hejblum [ctb], Dason [ctb], Felix Schonbrodt [ctb], G. Grothendieck [ctb], GERGELY DAROCZI [ctb], Heuristic Andrew [ctb], James [ctb], Thomas Leeper [ctb], VitoshKa [ctb], Yihui Xie [ctb], Michael Friendly [ctb], Kornelius Rohmeyer [ctb], Dieter Menne [ctb], Tyler Hunt [ctb], Takekatsu Hiramura [ctb], Berry Boessenkool [ctb], Jonathan Godfrey [ctb], Tom Allard [ctb], ChingChuan Chen [ctb], Jonathan Hill [ctb], Chan-Yub Park [ctb], Gerhard Nachtmann [ctb], Russ Hyde [ctb], Lyndon D'Arcy [ctb], Gerhard Burger [ctb], Adrian Hordyk [ctb], Arthur Gailes [ctb]

installr.pdf |installr.html
installr/json (API)

# Install 'installr' in R:
install.packages('installr', repos = c('', ''))

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10.29 score 275 stars 1.2k scripts 40k downloads 102 exports 8 dependencies

Last updated 1 years agofrom:0ef36a90a2. Checks:3 OK, 6 NOTE. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKMar 30 2025
R-4.5-winNOTEMar 30 2025
R-4.5-macNOTEMar 30 2025
R-4.5-linuxNOTEMar 30 2025
R-4.4-winNOTEMar 30 2025
R-4.4-macNOTEMar 30 2025
R-4.4-linuxNOTEMar 30 2025
R-4.3-winOKMar 30 2025
R-4.3-macOKMar 30 2025


Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Using R to Install Stuff (Such As: R, Rtools, RStudio, Git, and More!)installr-package
Add menu item for having installr load on startupadd_load_installr_on_startup_menu
Add menu item for having installr NOT load on startupadd_remove_installr_from_startup_menu
Add a code line to
Adds a menu based GUI for updating R within Rguiadd.installr.GUI
Asks the user for a row number from a data.frame tableask.user.for.a.row
Asks the user for one yes/no question.ask.user.yn.question
barplot for the number of users installation of a packagebarplot_package_users_per_day
See the NEWS file for the latest R releasebrowse.latest.R.NEWS
Checks if there is a newer version of Rcheck.for.updates.R
Check if a number is integercheck.integer
Check and Create MD5 Checksum FilescheckMD5sums2
Copies all packages from one library folder to anothercopy.packages.between.libraries
Measures the speed of downloading from different CRAN mirrorscranometer
Creates a global library
Download RStudio CRAN mirror data files into a folderdownload_RStudio_CRAN_data
Access tag elements from R's Rd filefetch_tag_from_Rd
Extract the file name from some
Format the RStudio CRAN mirror data into the data.table formatformat_RStudio_CRAN_data
Geolocate IP addresses in Rfreegeoip
Fetches latest R version from CRANget_latest_r_version
Find the pid of a process by nameget_pid
Get the running "Rscript" processes PIDget_Rscript_PID
Get the running processes in windows task managerget_tasklist
Returns folder names with R installationsget.installed.R.folders
Downloads and installs 7-Zip for windowsinstall.7zip
Downloads and installs CMake for windowsinstall.CMake install.cmake
Downloads and installs minicondainstall.conda
Downloads and installs Cygwin for windowsinstall.Cygwin install.cygwin
Downloads and installs FFmpeg for windowsinstall.FFmpeg install.ffmpeg
Downloads and installs git and git-gui for windowsinstall.git
Downloads and installs GitHub for windowsinstall.GitHub install.github
Downloads and installs GraphicsMagick for windowsinstall.GraphicsMagick install.graphicsmagick
Downloads and installs ImageMagick for windowsinstall.ImageMagick install.imagemagick
Downloads and installs Inno Setupinstall.inno
Install Java - downloads and set path openjdkinstall.Java install.Jdk install.jdk install.OpenJdk install.openjdk
Downloads and installs LaTeX2RTF for windowsinstall.LaTeX2RTF install.latex2rtf
Downloads and installs LyX for windowsinstall.LyX install.lyx
Downloads and installs MikTeX for windowsinstall.MikTeX install.miktex
Downloads and installs nodejs LTS or Currentinstall.nodejs
Downloads and installs Notepad++ for windowsinstall.notepadpp
Downloads and installs NppToR for windowsinstall.npptor
Downloads and installs a ZIP R package Binary (for Windows) from a
Downloads and installs pandocinstall.pandoc
Downloads and installs python 2 or 3install.python
Downloads and installs the latest R versioninstall.R
Downloads and installs the latest Rdevel versioninstall.Rdevel
Downloads and installs RStudio for windowsinstall.RStudio install.rstudio
Downloads and installs Rtoolsinstall.Rtools install.rtools
Downloads and installs SWFTools for windowsinstall.SWFTools install.swftools
Downloads and installs Texmaker for windowsinstall.Texmaker install.texmaker
Downloads and runs a .exe installer file for some software from a URLinstall.URL
Installing software from Rinstallr
Remove a code line from
Checks if an object is empty (e.g: of zero length)is.empty
Checks if some .exe is available in on the Windows machine search PATHis.exe.installed
Checks if the R session is running within Rgui (Windows OS)is.Rgui
Checks if the R session is running within RStudiois.RStudio
Checks if the running OS is
Checks if the running OS is x64is.x64
kill (i.e.: stop) all running "Rscript" processeskill_all_Rscript_s
kill (i.e.: stop) running processes by there pidkill_pid
kill (i.e.: stop) running processes by there process namekill_process
barplot for the number of users installation of a packagelineplot_package_downloads
Have the installr package load on startupload_installr_on_startup
Most downloaded packagesmost_downloaded_packages
What is my IPmyip
Hibernate the operating system (Windows) through a shell commandos.hibernate
Locks the operating system (Windows) through a shell commandos.lock
Gives managing option to the current OS (shutdown, restart, sleep, hibernate, etc...)os.manage
Restarts the operating system (Windows) through a shell commandos.restart
Shut down the operating system with the command `shutdown'os.shutdown
Sleeps the operating system (Windows) through a shell commandos.sleep
Access (and clean) author elements from R's Rd filepackage_authors
Worldmap colored by the number of downloads for a given packagepkgDNLs_worldmapcolor
Get the version of the R installed in a folderR_version_in_a_folder
Reads RStudio CRAN mirror data files from a folderread_RStudio_CRAN_data
Remove a code line from
Removes the menu based GUI for updating R within Rguiremove.installr.GUI
Rename files' extensions in a folder from .r to .Rrename_r_to_R
Loading Packages (and Installing them if they are missing)require2
Restart RGui from RGuirestart_RGui
Remove installr from startuprm_installr_from_startup
Read R Code from a File in an https URLsource.https
Returns the search path for executable filessystem.PATH
Turns a vector of version-numbers back to version-characterturn.number.version
Turns version to number (for a vector of values)
Turns version to number (for 1 value only)
uninstalls (removes) Installed Packagesuninstall.packages
Uninstall an R versionuninstall.R uninstall.r
Performs "up-level" on a folder stringup_folder
Checks for the latest R version, and if there is a newer version of R - downloads and installs it.updateR updater
Converts xls(x) to csv using VBxlsx2csv